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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

We were proud to pass our SIAMS Inspection in November and receive very positive feedback about our school. If you would like to read the report it is in the Key Information/ SIAMS section of the website. If you are interested in our School and Pre-school or would like to book a tour please complete this google form and we will be in touch https://forms.gle/pyUtH1ZsssCnsDVy7

Get in touch

Contact Details


If you would like to book in to look around the school and Pre-school please complete this Google form and we will be in contact 


Admissions Arrangements


Published Admission Number: 15 per year group


Although our catchment area is the village of Callow End, we do welcome pupils from outside the catchment area including Malvern, Worcester and the surrounding areas. Parents living outside the catchment area may apply for a place at the school through Worcester County Council and we will accommodate them, providing we have space in the appropriate year group .


Every application for a place at Callow End will be given fair consideration and places are allocated following the criteria set out by Worcestershire County Council. For further information please read the information on the Worcestershire Children First website and the DOWMAT admissions guidance:

Worcestershire Admissions Information




The admissions policies can be found below. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Please use the following link to apply for a school place:

In-year applications


If you would like to apply for a place at Callow End School between 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025, please contact the school on 01905 830337 or office@callowend.dowmat.education to check for available spaces.


To apply for a place please visit:

Apply for a school place | Worcestershire County Council


Appealing a decision regarding a school place

The Appeals Team, based at County Hall in Worcester, make arrangements for appeals where the Admission Authority (AA) has not met a parent's preference for a particular school. The Appeals Team also deals with appeals where a pupil has been excluded from a school on a permanent basis. Please use the link below for information:
