Trips and Visits
School trips and Visits 2023-24
During their time at Callow End CE Primary, we aim to give our pupils as many different experiences as we can in order that they can:
- build a foundation for their learning
- gain a sense of adventure and curiousity about the world
- have an understanding of diversity
- explore the variety of opportunities that may be available to them in their future lives
- gain a sense of awe, wonder and develop their own spirituality
Some of these experiences occur in school, some in the local area and some are trips and visits further away, including our residentials.We are also aware that some families find it challenging to fund too many trips & visits so we try to balance them throughout the year and are always mindful of costs. Approximate costs are given in brackets to allow for planning.
Residentials in 2023-24:
Year 5 & 6 - 2 night adventure training residential in Llanrug in Wales (£200)
Year 3 & 4 - 1 night adventure training at Boundless in Malvern (£100)
Curriculum Based Trips - Ususally 1 trip per class based around work covered in lessons (£15-£20)
Theatre trip
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 to see a performance based on a book (£14)
Sports Trips (Mainly funded by school using Sports Premium funds)
Various trips across all age groups including:
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Cross country,
- Netball
- Multi-sports
- Football
- Swimming
- Bikeability
- DOWMAT bell-boating regatta.
RE trips - visiting places of worship etc
Year 1 & 2 - Mosque Trip (£8)
Year 3 & 4 - Indian Experience
Year 5 & 6 - Temple Trip (£15)
Lifepath (£5)
Year 6 Leavers' Trip (£10- £15)
Visitors to School (£5-£10 - some funded by school)
STEM - project with Year 5 & 6
The History Man
Indian Experience
Sports coaches
Music Tutor - Year 3 & 4
Local Trips (usually no charge)
All - visits to church & church services
Reception - Nativity at Stanbrook Abbey
Walk around the village
Posting a letter
Visiting our church
Year 1 & 2 Nativity at Stanbrook Abbey
Year 5 & 6 Geography fieldwork
Remembrance service
Advent candle - decorating in church