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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

Congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work and amazing achievements in 2023-24. We hope our families have a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming pupils back on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

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School Christian Vision and Values

Vision Statement



Building a foundation for love and learning.


At Callow End we provide a caring environment where everyone works together to build a firm foundation for love and learning.


Our vision is rooted in Matthew 7:24-25 when Jesus says:

 ‘So then, anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock’


 As a foundation for love we provide a welcoming, safe and supportive environment in which the qualities and abilities of all our pupils are nurtured and celebrated. We use our school’s Christian values to guide us, sharing an ethos of love and respect, treating everyone in the way that we would like to be treated. We strive to celebrate differences both in our school community and around the world through our teaching, learning and shared life with our Church. 

Jesus said ‘So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.’ Matthew 7:12


As a foundation for learning, we promote excellence, providing an inspirational curriculum which enables all pupils to aspire, achieve and flourish. We want our children to have positive emotional and mental health, and an understanding of their place in the wider world. 

 ‘I came that they may have life and live it to the full’ John 10.10


Our Christian Values


At Callow End CE Primary School we offer pupils many opportunities to explore and share beliefs, as well as considering the importance of prayer and time for reflection.


We encourage the children to think carefully about the relevance of ideas, beliefs and values to their own lives, to consider the needs of others and their own role within a wider community.


Every opportunity is given to put both Christian and British values into practice. Collective worship also provides pupils with a time to celebrate achievement and the positive behaviour which reflects these values.


Our collective worship is based upon ‘Values for life’ and in particular six key Christian values which are rooted in the teachings of the Bible. Each half term we concentrate on one value through music, prayers, stories and plays.


The key values that we identified with all our stakeholders are:

Our Values

Our Values Tree and Values at Home

Our values are at the heart of our school and we encourage the children to use the values as a part of their everyday life. Staff and pupils are encouraged to nominate children for a values leaf if they see  them using one of the values at school. The leaves are added to our values tree throughout the year and the children's actions are celebrated in Collective Worship and through the newsletter. Governors can add a Worcester Black Pear to the tree if they see a value in action when they visit the school.


We also encourage our pupils to use the values in their lives outside school. Parents, carers, friends and family can share an example of our values being used and a Values at Home certificate is then awarded in school. Examples include: perseverance in completing a sporting challenge, courage in dealing with a tricky situation calmly and sensibly, showing respect by making and distributing care packages to the homeless and friendship in caring for grandparents.
