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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

We were proud to pass our SIAMS Inspection in November and receive very positive feedback about our school. If you would like to read the report it is in the Key Information/ SIAMS section of the website. If you are interested in our School and Pre-school or would like to book a tour please complete this google form and we will be in touch https://forms.gle/pyUtH1ZsssCnsDVy7

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Computing at Callow End CE Primary School




At Callow End CE Primary School, we aim to build a strong foundation of love and learning. We believe that computing and the use of technology is a vital part of the education of all children and helps to prepare them for their future lives. The computing curriculum delivers a clear progression of skills from Year 1 to Year 6 through a range of projects and tasks that build on the learning from previous years.  The aim is to provide children with a broad range of experiences that teach them how to use different types of technology competently and safely and enable our pupils to use and apply technological skills across the curriculum. 

Mrs Wilkinson, Computing Subject Leader.

Callow End Computing Curriculum Statement

Computing Long term plan - 2 year rolling programme
