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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

It has been lovely to welcome our pupils for the start of the Autumn Term. We are very proud of how well everyone has settled in - particularly our new children. Please use Class Dojo or the office email to contact us if you need any further information. Thank you.us if you need any

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At Callow End we provide a welcoming, safe and supportive environment in which Christian values are central to the ethos of the school and its teaching. We have high aspirations for all our pupils so that they can achieve their full potential in life. As part of this ethos we are an inclusive school and provide support to children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).


Our school SEND coordinator is Mrs Clare Stockford who is responsible for the day to day operation of SEND Policy and the co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND, including those who have statements or EHC plans.


Equality Statement

Navigating all the school and county has to offer children with special educational needs and disabilities can be both challenging and confronting in equal measure.

We have compiled a list of relevant information to support you to support your child.



The Worcestershire County Council 'Local Offer'  helps parents/carers understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. It should help them understand how the system works, and how the local authority, local area and the school will support both the child and the family.

The link to the local offer is below:



