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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

It has been lovely to welcome our pupils for the start of the Autumn Term. We are very proud of how well everyone has settled in - particularly our new children. Please use Class Dojo or the office email to contact us if you need any further information. Thank you.us if you need any

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Clubs are usually run on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3.20 to 4.00pm and are open to all pupils in key Stage 1 and 2 (year 1-6) These clubs are run by members of staff or a specialist sports coach and there is no charge for most clubs*.



Each term the children receive a letter about the clubs on offer. A variety of different clubs are offered each term and include things like art, football, netball, computer,  multi-sports ,cooking, gardening, construction, dance, circuit training, gymnastics, etc.


The clubs are always very popular with the children and enjoyed by all. All club dates sent out at the beginning of term and are posted on the website calendar.


*Cooking Club - We do ask for £10 towards the cost of ingredients for cooking club and this amount covers all 8  sessions. The children in cooking club get to take home the fruits of their labour which are usually delicious. As part of our school's promotion of healthy eating, we also taste a different fruit or vegetable each week - some are more popular than others! Cooking club runs until 4:15pm to allow for cooking time.

Computer club - we have programmed robots, coded our own programs and produced computer generated art.

Gardening Club - we worked hard to clear, weed, grow and look after wildlife in our school grounds.
