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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

It has been lovely to welcome our pupils for the start of the Autumn Term. We are very proud of how well everyone has settled in - particularly our new children. Please use Class Dojo or the office email to contact us if you need any further information. Thank you.us if you need any

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Contact Details

Late/Absence Procedures


Parents/carers should  contact the school office on each day of absence.



School starts promptly at 8:50am.  Pupils who arrive after this must report to the school office. Parents/carers should complete the late section of the folder at reception and the pupil will be marked late on the register.


Medical appointments

Medical appointments during school hours require a note or adult verbal message to the class teacher or school office.  Children should be signed in and out of the appropriate book in the entrance lobby.  A child sent home due to illness will be signed out and the absence authorised for the remainder of the day



Non-urgent Medical/Dental Appointments

Where possible all non-urgent medical or dental appointments should be arranged out of school hours. Where this is not possible, advance notice should be given and parents/carers must sign the child out at the school office and sign back in again on return. If appointments cannot be arranged out of school time, then they are better planned towards the end of the school day.


Further information about attendance can be found in the Attendance and Leave of Absence policy in the policies section of our website.
