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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

We were proud to pass our SIAMS Inspection in November and receive very positive feedback about our school. If you would like to read the report it is in the Key Information/ SIAMS section of the website. If you are interested in our School and Pre-school or would like to book a tour please complete this google form and we will be in touch https://forms.gle/pyUtH1ZsssCnsDVy7

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Religious Education

Religious Education at Callow End CE Primary School


At Callow End CE Primary School, we aim to build a strong foundation for love and learning. This vision is key to our RE teaching, being rooted in Christian theology, which teaches us that God is love (John 3v16) and that solid foundations are crucial (Matthew 7v24-27). God teaches us how to live our lives, and at Callow End school we use the words and the example of Jesus to build a firm foundation for love and learning. Through the teaching of RE, we want to instill a strong foundation for love in the children, so that they can learn how to truly love others, respecting different beliefs and ways of living. We strive to celebrate differences both in our school community and around the world through our teaching, learning and shared life with our Church. Jesus said, ‘So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.’ Matthew 7:12. As a foundation for learning, we promote excellence in RE, providing an inspirational curriculum which enables all pupils to aspire, achieve and flourish. We want our children to have positive emotional and mental health, and an understanding of their place in the wider world. ‘I came that they may have life and live it to the full’ John 10.10

As a Church of England School, the study of RE is an essential part of children’s learning and it is treated as a core subject at Callow End in the way the curriculum is structured, organised and delivered. We want all children to be enthusiastic and confident learners of RE, gaining a breadth and depth of understanding about the different belief systems surrounding them. Our aim is for the children to explore what people believe, and what difference this makes to how they live. They can then acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, whilst also reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.  Our Christian values- drawn from the Bible-of respect, forgiveness, perseverance, courage, friendship and truthfulness, shine through in the RE curriculum and provide the children with good lessons for how to live well in a pluralistic, multicultural society. We provide all children, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability, with a broad and balanced R.E. curriculum. We want children to become informed communicators about religion and belief systems, developing spiritually, morally, socially and culturally soMrs Scanlon - RE Lead they find purpose in their life.


Mrs Scanlon - RE Lead

Oak class children explain the purpose of RE

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At the start of RE lessons pupils are asked “What is RE and why do we learn about it?”

Understanding Christianity actions

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From Year 1 to Year 6, the children have learnt actions for the 8 core concepts from the Understanding Christianity frieze, which covers the whole story of the Bible. We use these in RE lessons on Christianity, and in assemblies when we use Bible stories,

Curriculum Statement and Policy

RE Long Term Plan

Progression of skills - RE
