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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

Congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work and amazing achievements in 2023-24. We hope our families have a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming pupils back on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

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Saplings - Pre-school

Welcome to Saplings (Pre-School)

Here in Saplings, we value the different experiences and personalities of our children and enjoy watching them grow and progress throughout their time with us. We believe every child is unique and should have the opportunity to learn and thrive in a safe, secure environment, which is tailored to their individual needs.

We are the Early Years Team here at Callow End.

Mrs Wilford, Reception Class Teacher & Early Years Lead,

Mrs Peck - Early Years TA, and Mrs Eggerton - Early Years TA.

We look forward to supporting your child in their play, learning, and development!

Saplings is situated alongside Ash Class (Reception) working together as an Early Years unit, this helps to ensure a smooth transition for children progressing into their reception year. Children become familiar with all staff in the unit, as well as with the routines, environments and expectations.


We aim to provide a language rich environment in which the children develop confident speaking and listening skills, independence, self-worth, mutual respect and problem-solving skills. To achieve this, our curriculum is carefully planned, focussing predominantly on the three prime areas of learning: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development, and the children’s changing needs and interests.


The curriculum is delivered through continuous and enhanced provision, whole group input, and high-quality adult interactions. The daily enhanced provision is linked to children’s interests, book of the week and half-termly topics, with adults extending children’s learning by introducing and expanding vocabulary. Whole group inputs include: daily phonics sessions (Phase 1 phonics and Floppy’s Phonics Whole School Scheme), weekly PE, Woodland School sessions and RSHE discussions. The children also have unlimited access to an exciting designated Early Years outdoor area and garden.


We accept children from the age of 2 years 9 months, and accept 15 hours universal funding for 3 & 4 year olds, the additional 30 hours funding for working parents and childcare vouchers.


You are very welcome to phone to arrange a visit to our Pre-School. We kindly ask you to call the school office on 01905 830337 to make an appointment.



Saplings Learning Through Play

Autumn Term Learning:

Autumn 2

Spring Term Learning

Summer Term Learning
