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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

It has been lovely to welcome our pupils for the start of the Autumn Term. We are very proud of how well everyone has settled in - particularly our new children. Please use Class Dojo or the office email to contact us if you need any further information. Thank you.us if you need any

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RSHE information

At Callow End C of E Primary School we believe in teaching children about healthy relationships with friends and family, developing a good understanding of what healthy future relationships can look like.  We work hard to ensure all our children are taught how to be healthy and safe in their lives and in the choices they make; this includes recognising and forming positive life sustaining relationships with others both in the real and virtual world. We invite you to be part of our consultation regarding the introduction of the new R.S.H.E curriculum due to commence during the summer term, 'SCARF'.


SCARF Learning Outcomes

SCARF provides a comprehensive spiral curriculum for RSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing.

Using SCARF across all age groups will ensure progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.

This page lists the specific learning outcomes of each SCARF lesson for Years 1 to 6.

Remember – SCARF is also mapped to the new DfE guidance for Relationships Education and Health EducationThe PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, the National CurriculumCurriculum for Excellence and Ofsted's requirements.

RSHE Parent Consultation Letter 8th March 2021
