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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

Congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work and amazing achievements in 2023-24. We hope our families have a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming pupils back on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

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Keeping your child safe - information & advice

MMR Vaccination - is your child's vaccine up to date?

Should I keep my child off school? NHS advice for parents

Keeping your child safe in out of school settings

Early Help from Worcestershire Children First

Is your child ready to go out on their own? - NSPCC booklet with advice

A number of other schools have shared with us that some pupils, through the use of TikTok, have inadvertently come across inappropriate social media content of suicide. As parents and carers you play a key role in keeping your children safe online and we recommend the following sites which can help you to keep your child safe:


Ten tips for parents - coping with change

Relationships and Health Education - information for parents

Supporting your child's mental health advice

NetAware is an organisation recommended by the NSPCC which reviews around 40 of the most popular social networking sites, apps and games currently used by young people. Information includes:

  • suitable ages
  • privacy settings
  • appropriate content
  • safety and support settings

It can be found by following this link:

