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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

It has been lovely to welcome our pupils for the start of the Autumn Term. We are very proud of how well everyone has settled in - particularly our new children. Please use Class Dojo or the office email to contact us if you need any further information. Thank you.us if you need any

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Pre-school - Saplings

*Places available*

Callow End Pre-School (Saplings) is part of our main school and based in the Early Years Unit, alongside Ash Class (Reception). The helps to ensure a smooth transition for children progressing into their reception year. Children become familiar with all staff in the unit, as well as with the routines, environments, and expectations.


The curriculum is delivered through continuous and enhanced provision, whole group input, and high- quality adult interactions. The daily enhanced provision is linked to children’s interests, book of the week and half-termly topics, with adults extending children’s learning by introducing and expanding vocabulary. Whole group inputs include: daily phonics sessions, weekly PE, Woodland School sessions and RSHE discussions. The children also have unlimited access to an exciting designated Early Years outdoor area and garden.


We accept children from the age of two years nine months, or the term in which they are three years old. Saplings is open during school term-time (38 weeks per year) Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 3.00pm, with access also available to the wraparound care: Early Birds from 7.45am and Glow Worms until 5.30pm.


 We accept 15 hours universal government funding for 3 & 4 year olds, 15 hours additional funding for working parents, and childcare vouchers. Additional hours and wraparound care is an extra charge.


If you are interested in applying for a place at our Pre-School or would like some more information, please contact the office on 01905 830337. Our pre-school pack, including application forms can be found below.
