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Callow End CE Primary School

Building a foundation for love and learning.

Congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work and amazing achievements in 2023-24. We hope our families have a wonderful summer and look forward to welcoming pupils back on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

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Holly Class Y1/2 September 2023

Holly Class 2023-2024

Holly Class have been learning to tell the time to the nearest quarter of an hour !

Look what we spotted in Woodland School!

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Holly Class have been learning about sculpture and 3D techniques during our ‘Art Day’. Our artwork was based on Klimt’s Tree of Life.

Year 2 have been practicing their column method for addition calculations!

24.04.24 Today we looked at significant people in history and learnt all about the Wright Brothers and their building and flying of the world’s first successful airplane the , ‘Wright Flyer’ in 1903. We freeze framed the first flight reactions of Orville and Wilbur Wright along with an eyewitness.

The weather in the UK- Holly Class Geography

Science topic - Plants

Holly Class PE March 2024

World Book Day 2024 - Starbooks Cafe Holly Class

After last week’s excitement burying our time capsule, we have moved on to our new History topic- How have toys changed? We opened our topic by bringing in our favourite toys and also some older favourites from the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s. The children excitedly explored the similarities and differences between toys from the past and today’s offerings comparing the materials they are made from, their purposes and their designs. We will be visiting Hartlebury Castle later on this term to look at some toys from more distant past whilst we continue to understand the concept of chronology and delve deeper into our History topic.

How am I making History? Holly Class bury their time capsule January 2024

Indian stick dance

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Geography topic- what is it like here? Creating maps of our classroom using objects to make a Messy map’.

Windmills Design & Technology Project Autumn 2023

Woodland School October 2023
